Though the main thing I feel is a desire to go home, I am
excited to see what this last month will bring, or at least trying to continue
psyching myself up for it, rather than allowing senioritis to take over. (I told my community that I was feeling a touch of it, and Thien said "You're sick?... You should have just stayed home." Haha, thanks Thien!
Good things:
I started riding my bike again, and I chose the hottest
month of the year to do it! I feel so much better though. My commute is cut in
half, and I get exercise twice a day even if I don’t go to the gym. I've gotten to hang out more with my cousin Chad. I got to go to a beautiful wedding with Alex. Also, I’ve
finally been given a regular outlet for making music at work. Once a week, I
work in the family area, a full day instead of just an hour and 1/2 now, and at
2:00, we have Music Time with Lacy! The experience has taught me to broaden my
spectrum on what it means and looks like to do what I love.

Sid, a volunteer, who has been at TGP for a while, always
talks about what an impact music is on these kids, and he points out how
exciting it is when you find the ones that are really into it and bring out that
light in them. The other staff members in the family area also really enjoy
watching the kids light up and have made me feel really welcome in that area.
It’s only once a week, but it is such soul food to get me through this hot
Speaking of broadening my scope, it has actually become
pretty interesting trying to find jobs that don’t fall right in line with what
I had originally planned for next year. Since, I sent in my first applications in April, I thought I would know by now what my job would be, but most of the jobs
have gotten back to me with a timeline that is closer to the end of July or
early August, both when interviews will begin and decisions will be made. And so we wait… But in that waiting time, I have searched the
web, asked opinions, gotten some guidance from mentors and coworkers, and have
a much better idea of what is out there in Northwest Arkansas than if I had just
gotten a job in May or June.
The main bible verse that’s ringing out in my mind is “Do
not worry about tomorrow.”
Matthew 6:33-34:
33 But
seek first his kingdom and
his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore
do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has
enough trouble of its own.
that is how I need to finish out this year, by focusing on the day at hand, and
allowing myself to fully see and experience the joy each new day brings, to
indulge in pleasant conversations and challenging ones, to celebrate each child
that gets excited about music, to be at peace in my home, and to continue
basking in the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. If this year has taught me only
one thing, and that one thing is to be more creative in how I can enjoy my life
and bring my full self to the table, I’d give the year an A. Yet, that’s not
all I've learned. One more month!